Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coronavirus Survival Tips

Coronavirus Survival Tips 

Coronavirus is rapidly spreading from one person to a 10 more people that infects another 100 people. How? By one handshake, one cough and one gathering. Hence, RukhFooducate decided to do another blog on COVID-19 Survival Tips. 

1- Handshakes are cancelled 

As the line above says no handshakes. No hugs. You put yourself on risk and those you will meet afterwards this handshake. Or you will infect the other person who is going to infect more people after this handshake. Stop the chain by not hugging and no handshaking. 

2- No face touching 

The virus enters your body through your mouth, eyes, and nose. (It gains access in your body through your respiratory tract.)
So, if by chance you touched a surface that was infected with this virus and touched your face, the virus will gain entry into your body. So, no touching your face. 

3- Handwash

If by any chance you touched a surface that was infected, all you need to do is properly wash those hands with soap and water. Wash it for more than 20 seconds. Sing a song while washing if that helps.

4- Boost your immune system

Your immune system is the only defence you have against this virus considering the fact that there is currently no vaccine available. Boost your immune systems with healthy foods. The list is given here - Coronavirus Precautionary Measures

5- Exercise 

Make is a habit to exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. Its keeps your body strong and healthy. It helps strengthen your immune system that will fight off the virus if it gains entry.

6- Sleep

Lack of sleep has a negative impact on your immune system so make sure you get at least 7 hour of sleep everyday.

7- Disinfect Surfaces 

Keep disinfecting your home. Keep it wet for 3 minutes prior to drying.

8- Improve air quality

Lastly, improve the quality of ai inside your home by using a humidifier. The reason being that viruses dislikes humid air so let then feel unwelcome in your home by using a humidifier ;) 

Keep Yourself and Everyone Around You SAFE.!!

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