Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus Precautionary Measures.

Coronavirus Precautionary Measures. 

This blog is all about the Coronavirus. The speed at which it is rapidly spreading is alarming and all of you need to take action before it spreads further. Action that you need to do is take care of your hygiene, socially distance yourself from everyone and eat food that will boost your immune system. Immune system can help eliminate this virus. So, let’s start this blog by first discussing how this virus spreads and how you can eliminate it from your life physically and through your diet.

How Coronavirus spreads?

   1- It spreads from person to person close contact.

2- Through respiratory droplets of an infected person when he/she sneezes or coughs.

3-This virus can be transmitted if you touch an object that has virus on it and then touching your face, mouth, eyes or hears. (Although this is thought not to be the main way but since it may be the way the virus spreads, let’s take precautionary measures)

Protect your Self and People Around You!

Since there is no vaccine present at the moment, therefore everyone needs to take precautionary measure to prevent getting exposed to this virus. How? Read below

 1-Social distancing as it spreads from person to person

 2-Clean your hands more frequently. Probably with soap and water than with sanitizer. The reason being that it kills the virus and washes away the virus from skin.

 3-If you are using a hand sanitizer, make sure its 60% alcohol.

 4-Stop touching your face.

 5-If you are sick then stay at home, wear a mask, cover your mouth when you sneeze/cough and socially distance yourself from everyone.

 6-Get adequate sleep

 7-No smoking

 8-Lastly, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, tv remote etc.

Boost your immune system
If, God forbid, the virus gains entry in your system, you have to fight it off. By you, I mean, your immune system. You have to be internally strong to fight this virus. How? Eat these foods for a healthy immune system

  1- Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been previously used to fight common cold. It maintains a healthy skin that provides a good barrier to external environment that includes germs and other invaders.
For smokers, it is highly advisable to increase their vitamin C intake. Vitamin C is rich in citrus foods (lemon, oranges, tomatoes), onions, sweet potatoes kale, cauliflower, brocooli.

  2- Vitamin D
Vitamin D has been in the news for its boosting immunity properties. To prove this, a study was conducted in 2017 where 25 randomised trial found that taking vitamin D supplements have mild protective effect on the respiratory tract infections. Also, it is highly effective for those who are vitamin D deficient. If you are deficient and you take 2000 IU per day then you have high chances of staying well.
Vitamin D is found in salmon, egg yolks, mushrooms, soy milk, orange juice and foods fortified with vitamin D.

Zinc is a mineral that is involved with your white blood cells responses to an infection. A study found that zinc reduces common cold length by 33%. Zinc is found in meat, eggs, diary nuts, whole grains and legumes.

Enough evidence is not present at the moment. Although whatever evidence that has been presented suggests that it increases immune function. Luckily, it is added in Asian dishes commonly. So, don’t stop consuming this daily.

It is a herb that has been reported to prevent common cold. Also, studies suggest that it has mild protective effect on the upper respiratory infections.

6- Garlic
It has antibacterial and antiviral effects. Also, helps fight common cold.

7- Fruits and Vegetables
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Incorporating these phytonutrients will help fight infections and boost immune system

What not to eat duringg?
NO refined carbs and sugar
According to research, these foods impair your immune system. Increase in blood sugar levels will cause complications and increases risk of infections.

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