Wednesday, November 7, 2018

4 Ways To Put A STOP To Late Night Snacking

4 Ways To Put A STOP To Late Night Snacking

Have you been lately eating a lot during the night and feeling uncomfortably full? Does your eating routine includes more serving of food during the night than during your lunch time? And what about the morning meal? Do you eat little or completely skip breakfast? 

If your answer to the above questions is yes, then are you sure you’re not suffering from night eating syndrome? 

Yes! NIGHT EATING SYNDROME. It is common and it’s not like binge eating but an individual eats a lot during the night time (mostly guilt eating) and skips or eats very little during the day time and during the lunch time. His/her majority calories come from the night hour eating. It is usually snacking and unhealthy eating. 

There could be tons of reasons for that but the important thing is how we to stop this.

So, lets look at the the four major ways to put a stop to this habit yours of late night snacking.
  • Recognize The Reason for Late Night Snacking

You need to recognize the reason or reasons that keep you from sleeping and make you snack. There could be many reasons that could be coming between you and a good nights sleep. It could be stress, sadness, anger or frustration. 

Try to let all these go. For good. Nothing is in your control. What is done is done but you can always try to make your present and future better. 

Therefore, work on it and let go of the emotions that make you eat when you aren’t hungry.
  • Break the Habit
First of all, break the habit of sleeping late. How is that even possible you ask? 

Well, first of all, break the habit of having caffeine at night. 
Next thing you can do is try reading a book before you switch off the lights and sleep. 

Last but not least the least switch off your Wi-Fi and cell-phones, they are the real distractions. You won't even notice the time you have spent on your cell-phones unless the battery of cell-phone dies. 

They say consistency is the key to breaking bad habits and forming good ones.
  • Wake Up Early
Do have your alarm set for early morning. Have your glass(s) of water and then your breakfast(make sure its a heavy breakfast, you need a good amount of energy for daily tasks). Do your routine work. 

Set an alarm for your lunch time and make sure while you have your breakfast and lunch, you are enjoying every bit of it and your focus is not diverted by cell-phones  or any drama airing at your television sets and other work stuff.
  • Junk Food
You are likely to snack more when you have junk food in the house. 

Therefore, it is suggested that you keep no  junk food in the house in order to avoid unnecessary snacking at odd times. 

Trust me, this will be a very effective tool in stopping you from snacking at unnecessary times. Also, it is a good weight loss strategy if you love snacking. 
  • Light Dinner 
Lastly, have a light dinner and something sweet for dessert. 

Repeat the cycle day after day until it becomes a habit. 

Remember, your habits are not going to be changed within a day or within a matter of few days, everything, specially the good thing, take some time. But it’s never late to start changing things for the better. Goodluck!

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