Saturday, March 23, 2019

You are slowing down your metabolism’s speed by doing these things.

You are slowing down your metabolism’s speed by doing these things.

In a world full of mouth water meals displaced not only the menus of the restaurants but on every social media site you use. The sight of delicious food is just so pleasing to the eyes to resist the urge to eat that particular food. Right? However, eating is a blessing as long as we are not harming our metabolism in any way. Otherwise, the consequences will be in front of your mirror in the morning or whenever you catch a glimpse of yourself.

We don’t want that, right? A good metabolism helps you from so many problems. Gaining weight is one of the problems that people with slow metabolism faces. So, let’s start with all the habits that you need to say bye-bye for the sake of your metabolism.

1-      Not eating enough

A major problem that majority of you do. You can’t starve yourself to lose weight. What happens after the starvation? Mostly, what people do is binge eat. Then? Starve themselves up and this circle of binge eat and starvation goes on and on. Your body does not kill the fat instead it is storing it up.

What happens is, when you eat, you provide body with energy to carry on with it’s routine work including weight loss or burning fat. When you deprive it of energy, it goes into starvation mode and starts conserving the energy. Therefore, making you all exhausted and loss of muscle mass occurs.
Your body tends to get confused with the ups and downs of your energy levels. Maintain your levels. Don’t starve. It is of no use in terms of long term success.

2-      Dehydration

The one thing that needs most of our attention is water. I cannot stress enough on the importance of water in daily routine. A solution to all the problems. 

A lot of reactions happen inside your body. Main ingredient for those reaction is water. With the absence of water, those reactions stop and hence, your metabolism.

Therefore, drink plenty of water, every single day. Do NOT let your self be dehydrated.

3-      Low on Nutrients

As mentioned above, a lot of reactions occur in order to provide your body with the energy.

Metabolism is not a single reaction, it consists of tons  and tons of reactions, supporting each other to utilizes the energy that has been provided. There are certain nutrients essential for the process to occur. So, when you go on a diet that lacks nutrients, your essential nutrients, that is when it interferes with your metabolism.

There are certain foods that are low on nutrients but high in calories, make sure you are not consuming those. These includes sodas and desserts.

4-      Too much sitting

One of the major ones. Everyone likes to sit but sitting for too long for the majority of time can lower your metabolism. The reason being that your muscles aren’t moving. Movement requires energy and when you put a pause to energy, your body takes the hint and slows down.

It may be difficult for those who have a job that requires sitting most of the time. What you can do is, stand in between intervals, stretch, take a short walk or go up and down the stairs. This regular movement will prevent your metabolism from slowing down.

5-      Late Breakfasts

When you are chewing you breakfast closer to brunch times, there is plausible chance that your metabolism will slow down. The reason being that you are low on nutrients as when you were sleeping, you were not eating. So, when you wake up, your body needs an activation.

Piece of advice, try eating your breakfast within an hour. Possibly in 15 minutes.

6-      Stressing

There is a blog about how stress makes affects your weight, you can check that out.

Focusing on that information, you eat more caloric rich foods that are low in nutrients, can you name those?

Cakes? Desserts? Yeah, you got that, right?

7-      Not enough sleep

First of all, WHY would you not sleep enough? Sleep is a cure for a lot of our problems. If you have read that stress blog, then you know how hormones changes if you do not sleep enough.  This change of hormones can lead to slowing down of your metabolism.

8-      Proteins

Another reason is that you are not taking enough of your proteins. Proteins are not only good for muscle-building as they are the building blocks of life but also for fat loss. When you do not consume proteins, it leads to higher level of insulin in your body and thus increased hunger. Next you know, you are binge eating.

Proteins more energy when compared to other macro nutrients.  Speaking in simpler terms, when you are losing muscle mass, you are slowing your metabolism as well.

9-      Carbs

Low carb diet is the easiest and quickest way to lose weight. However, it rebounds and you gain all that weight back. Hence, backfired. How does it destroy your metabolism, you ask?

When you don’t have carbs in your body, your glucose level will be low. Therefore, your body will start converting proteins to blood glucose for the purpose of energy during anaerobic conditions. Hence, leading to muscle loss.

Also, carb being the main body’s choice of fuel. When in need of energy, your muscle require glycogen from the carbs store in your body. So, low glycogen means low energy leading to muscles being starved and thus not an intense workout. In the end, leading to low metabolism.

10-   Refined Carbs

Consuming refined carbs will cause an instant increase in blood sugar as they are digested quickly. This will lead to insulin production to maintain blood glucose levels. Your liver secrets triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, leading to deposition in your fatty tissues. Thus, your fat mass rises and your metabolic rate decreases.

A good metabolism will relive you of many of health related issues. Therefore, make sure not to do the above mentioned so your metabolism can work smoothly.

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