Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Truth About Different Diets

The Truth About Different Diets

Trends come and go and with that the invention of new diets or modification of those diets. All people talk about is how can they lose weight within few days or within a day. Or what diet will let them be skinny without having to do much exercise or by sitting on the couch. For that, many have invented or started some diets that claim to help lose weight. Are they really working? If yes, then what is that factor that helps you lose weight and why? Read below to know the little secret!

Maybe they do or maybe not help you with the weight loss process. What factors matter the most is not what you restrict or what you eat. In very simple and being to the point, what matters is how much you are consuming and how much energy are you using. In one word, what matters is your CALORIES.

All the diet that claim to make you lose weight have one main goal, either they are restricting certain food groups or selling special teas or selling special recipes. But all of them are making you eat in a caloric deficit.

It is a matter of caloric surplus that makes you gain weight. No special food or no particular kind of diet routine or any specific food group is going to make you gain weight. Gaining weight is all about eating more than your body needs and more than you utilize the energy.

If you are eating right but not working out or eating in caloric surplus, you are, obviously, going to gain weight. You cannot possibly expect some magical tea or food to magical lose all the weight that you gained by overeating or over sitting.

However, if you eat right, have a cheat meal once a week, workout well every day or at least thrice a week with that eat in a caloric deficit or at maybe eat according to your maintenance calories than there is a very good chance that you will be losing weight that is healthy. Besides losing weight, isn’t this normal? A normal chance to lose weight without going through so much stress over deciding what not to eat and what not to eat.

When God has blessed us with variety of food choices than why restrict them. I say if you crave a pizza, go for it. Although, you must calculate your calories and adjust them accordingly.

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