Sunday, April 28, 2019

This is the best exercise for all age groups!!

This one exercise routinely can be beneficial for all age groups. Not only for you weight but possess countless benefits for your health as well.

Can you guess? It is none other than, walking. Simple walking has numerous benefits. Keep reading below

1-      Targets all your body parts

This is one simple exercise that targets almost all your body parts, your legs, your arms as well as your belly fat known as visceral fat which is responsible for a lot of your health problems.

2-      Reduced Risk of Diabetes

According to a study in 2013, walking for about 15 minutes, regulated blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.

3-      Good for Heart

Some people might prefer running but that’s not possible for everyone. Specially for the ones with low stamina.

According to a study in 2013, people who covered the same distance as runners by walking had a reduction of high blood level, high cholesterol as well as coronary heart disease.

An advice for you, if you are comfortable to talk but not sing then your heart is getting a nice workout.

4-      Body types

This one exercise is good for all types of body. Not one particular but for all. It’s that great? Like you don’t have go through the burden of finding that one particular exercise that will suits your body. You are either obese or arthritic, you can just have to walk to lose that extra weight.

5-      Affordable and accessible

You don’t have to spend extra cash on gyms in order to lose weight. You can do that anywhere. In any open place where the air is fresh and the environment is pleasing to the eyes. Plus, you don’t need a trainer to train you to walk. You have been doing that for all your life and you can’t do that without paying someone to train or look after your workout.

All you need is good earbuds, a timer and step counter. That’s it.

6-      Toning muscles

Okay. Let’s get one thing straight, walking on straight road won’t tone your muscles. However, walking on a hill is. Walking on a hill has the potential to improve variety of your muscles.

7-      Your joints

By walking, you are pushing pressure on your joints. You are wondering, if that’s a good thing or not. It is definitely. Your joints are usually not used and so can weaken quickly.

Joints needs nutrients and oxygen as much as muscles do but blood doesn’t supply them. By walking, you can supply them with enough nutrients and oxygen. Walking can also prevent friction between the bones that would otherwise be present leading to arthritis.

So, keep walking 😎

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