Monday, June 8, 2020

Common Reasons For Hair Loss In Females

Common Reasons For Hair Loss In Females 

Hair loss is problem that both gender faces. The causes behind hair loss is not only one but many. It could range from simple and temporary to a complex reason. Simple reasons could be deficiencies of certain nutrients and complex reasons could be an underlying health condition that could contribute to hair fall. 

Today's blog is all about the common reasons for hair fall specially in females. Our diet plays an important role in the health of our hair and so do our hormones. Read about all the  common reasons of why hair fall occurs.

Too much vitamin A

While vitamin A is good for your hair health, too much of it can has a dangerous impact on your hair. Since, this vitamin is a fat soluble so it gets stored in the body. Too much of it causes hair to grow at a quicker rate, causing hair to fall out quicker than the body can replace it.

The daily value of vitamin A 5000IU per day for adults. If you stick to the daily value and not overdue this, you can reverse this toxicity impact on your hair health and your hair will start growing at their normal pace

Not enough Protein

Your hair is made up of protein so when you do not consume enough protein, your body starts to cut off the supply of protein to hair follicles in order to use the available protein for other purposes. 

Not only does meat and eggs are a great source of protein but meat-free options are available too. This include legumes, nuts, diary, and soya beans to name a few.

Iron Deficiency

Another reason for hair loss could be that you are iron deficient. Iron is responsible for the production of hemoglobin that carries oxygen which is essential for the growth and repair of hair follicles. This stimulate hair growth. However, with the deficiency of iron, hair growth and repair is affected. You can treat hair loss by treating your iron deficiency.

Vitamin B Deficiency

Vitamin B complex are water soluble vitamains so they can’t be stored in the body. You need to consume them daily. Vitamain B7 also known as biotin deficiency has been known to cause hair fall. Vitamin B7 is responsible for healthy nails and hair. It is also referred as vitamin H (for Hair). 

The daily value for biotin is 30 microgram/day. However, the deficiency is rare since biotin is present in almost all the foods such as dates, whole grains and many more.

Weight loss

Sudden weight loss can cause hair thinning as your body is under stress or you may not be eating right. Deficiencies can occur that can cause hair loss. Another reason for sudden weight loss could be eating disorder. Anorexia and bulima are the common eating disorders and need to be treated.

However, deficiencies due to sudden weight loss can be fixed by eating the right amount of food and right portion.

Thyroid Hormone

Thyroid is an organ located in your neck region. It is responsible for controlling metabolism, development and growth of human body. If thyroid hormone levels are out of balance, then they may cause hair loss. If that’s the case, then you must get this treated and your hair will start growing back. 


PCOS is the imbalance of reproductive hormones in females leading to weight gain, hair thinning and other issues. This can be controlled and treated by changing diet, incorporating exercise to name a few treatment strategies. 


Medications such as blood thinner or blood pressure drugs could have a negative impact on hair health. In this case, your doctor could change the medication or lower the dose. 

Hair Treatments

Using chemicals, hair curlers and other tools could damage your hair a little too much that has a negative impact on the hair root which can lead to hair not growing back. Tight braids, corn rows and hair weaves even could be the reason behind hair loss as well. 


It is of a kind of physical stress. This type of hair loss is seen after the baby is born. Need not to worry as hair grows back after a couple of month of delivery, if proper meal plan is followed.

These are few of the major reasons why you could be losing hair. Try to eat right and let your hair breath. Don’t use curlers and other chemicals on a daily basis.


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