Thursday, May 2, 2019

Food That Will Help Your Brain Focus

Food That Will Help Your Brain Focus

The month of May is here and with that the exam season is approaching for some and going on for some. I am sure the stress levels of majority of students is going up and is messing your mind and health. 

However, forget the stress. Just work hard. But for working hard, you need to be mentally present and focus what you are studying or else no amount of time spend studying is going to help you. Right? This season decides your marks not your future. But hey, marks do matter a lot, right? 

So, in order to help you all, Rukhfooducate decided to do a little blog for you all so your minds let you focus so you ace your exams.

Below are the top five food items that are must for you this season as it will improve your focus. 📙📘📗📚

1-      Water

Had to be the first one. It is the most vital ingredient that helps you improve your focus.

It gives brain the electrical energy for all brain functions that includes memory as well as the thought process.

2-      Vegetables

To be more specific, green leafy vegetables are the best choice for brain. Due to their high content of antioxidants as well as carotenoids, they will boost your brain with energy and at the same time protecting it.

3-      Fatty Fish

Since fatty fish has abundant of omega 3 present in it, it is going to be a must for you this season to improve your focus. Omega 3 is claimed to improve brain function in people with memory problems as well as cognitive problems. 

Also, it has been proved to be beneficial to treat mild to moderate depression.

4-      Green Tea

If you are a regular reader, you must know the numerous benefits of green tea. There is a whole blog about it. Make sure to check that out.

In a nutshell, due to caffeine presence, it will make you alert thus improving focus. In addition to that, an amino acid called L-theanine is present. It has calming effect and helps reduce anxiety.

5-      Dark Chocolate

The reason being that dark chocolate is on this list because of its ingredients. First, the presence of caffeine. It will make you mentally alert. Next is magnesium. This lets you to de-stress as well as stimulates serotonin and endorphins which are responsible for making you feel good.

6-      Flax seeds

These are great for improving your mental focus due to the presence of magnesium, B-vitamins and omega 3. As mentioned above, these ingredients help you with your focus and mental clarity.

7-      Nuts

These are a great source of vitamin E. Vitamin E has been an overlooked nutrient. It is responsible for numerous brain health benefits.

Hopefully, this blogpost is going to help you improve you focus for your coming or on-going exams. Good Luck!! 😎

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