Monday, October 15, 2018

Reasons NOT to opt for Keto Diet

Reasons NOT to opt for Keto Diet

You must have heard about the ketogenic also known as keto diet that a lot of people might be following around you in order to lose weight. So, let’s talk about the ketogenic diet. 

What is ketogenic diet? 

It replaces your carbs with fats and protein, making an individual consume lots of fats and no carbs. 

There are some things you need to know before you start this kind of diet as It can be harmful to your health. 

How this diet works?

The main concept behind this diet is that when you don’t consume carbs which are the actual source of energy, your fats are used up for through the process of ketosis and your glycogen stored in muscle for energy and Hence, you start to lose weight.

Reasons NOT to opt for keto diet

  • Immediate & Long Term Effects

When you completely cut down your carbs, which is the main source of fiber, you are going to suffer from immediate side effects such as constipation, and future ones like decreased immune system

  • Deficiencies 

Since, you’re cutting down carbs, you’re limiting lots of food items such as fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients. Hence, chances of nutrient deficiencies increases.

  • Consuming Not Enough Calories 

Fat makes you full on daily basis so having sufficient amount daily is going to be a problem. This is good for weight loss but your body needs energy for maintenance purposes and so it will use up your muscles for energy.

  • Protein Loss

The longer a person is on this diet, the more fat they are going to burn. Unfortunately, muscle loss occurs too. 

Proteins are known for being powerhouse for muscle building. Since your muscle needs carbs for repair and formation, without carbs they are going to break down putting your heart, muscles at risk of damage.

  • Not a Permanent Solution

This is not a sustainable solution for weight loss. One cannot ignore carbs forever. The risks are after going on a carbs-restricted diet, a small sandwich is going to have a huge impact on your weight.

In the end, choice is always yours :) 

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