Saturday, April 6, 2019

You Can't Avoid Sugar Because...

Sugar has gotten the blame for being the culprit in gaining weight. Why? Have you ever wondered? Have you looked deep to know if that is even the case? In today’s world, sugar is a big NO. This blog is specifically written to address some of the myths and lies we have been told all our lives. Are you dieting? Leave sugar. Rather the answer to this should be, go on a caloric deficit and a healthy eating lifestyle.

Let’s clear some of the myths and lies we have been told.

Sugar is bad for you

Clearly, this statement is not specified and we have completely forgot what is natural and processed in this fast moving world. Who has the time? However, it is good for you to know the difference. Not all kinds of sugar are unhealthy for you to consume. In fact, those found naturally have nutrients and vitamins.

What you hear from the experts advising you to avoid, is the added sugar or the refined sugar. Added sugar comes in desserts, sugary drinks and all the packaged foods (that says in their label, sugar has been added).

All natural sugar is present in fruits and milk. Don’t avoid them for the sake of the fear of consuming sugar. That is actual the good sugar.

Sugar Recommendation Is Zero

Sugar is advised to be consumed in low quantity. Not completed thrown out of your diet plan.

According to US dietary guideline, an adult human should consume about 2000 calories per day and out of which grams of added sugar daily is advisable. That is about 12.5 teaspoons. Also, American Heart Association has to say, consume less than 6 to 9 teaspoons a day. That is about 25 to 36 grams.

Yes, less sugar is better but that doesn’t mean that you cut it out completely. If you like it, then why not. All that matters in this case is how much you consume. It is all about moderation.

You can avoid sugar for the rest of your life

You can’t completely avoid sugar since it is present in most packaged items like tomato sauce, bread, flavored cereal. All you can really do is keep a check on your quantity. Check the labels of packaged food that you buy. If you are overdosing it, then I recommend you to cut it down. Remember, moderation is the key to a healthy life.

One thing for sure is that you just can’t completely avoid sugar. Even if you intend to, you will end up consuming it in processed foods. Be it ice-cream or McDonald's fries (yes, dextrose – a sugar that is added to make them so delectable). 

So, a better solution is to have your sugar but keep it to a minimal. Make sure you are keeping in check with the amount you are consuming on daily basis. Apart from that, switching to alternatives might not help with weight loss instead risks of weight gain are plausible, at least according to the studies conducted.

Last piece of advice, don’t complicate things. Just don’t over or under consume a thing, for your own good.

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