Monday, November 19, 2018

9 Simple Fat Loss Tips

9 Simple Fat Loss Tips 

My only wish is to eat without getting fat. 

Well, do we not wish that? Like always? Whenever we have some tempting brownie image pop up on social media or cheesy pizza in front of us? 

I suggest you have them when you really crave for it. Otherwise, build up of that craving can, somehow, be dangerous for you. 

Apart from that you must follow a healthy lifestyle. Consistency is important. Have a little space for your cravings too. This one life is too short to miss out on yummy stuff. 

I am sharing some tips that will accelerate your fat loss process. Isn't that what we all want in our life? To eat and stay fit? 

If you answered my question with a yes then read below the 9 simple fat loss ideas for you. 

  • Exercise

First things first, you can’t lose weight without exercise. You need to do exercise in order to lose weight. Be it just walking for 30 minutes or so.

  •     Regular sleep and wake cycle

You need to have at least 7-8-hour sleep. Try to follow your schedule every-day. 

  • Consistency

Consistency in meal plans and in your exercise routine must be present. 

If you eat healthy twice or thrice a week and the rest of the day you are eating unhealthy food and having extra calories, it is not going to work out for you. Likewise, if you exercise a week and then leave it for a week, you are not going to lose weight.  

  • Hydration Status

Most important factor in losing weight. You need to consume a good quantity of water in order to  lose weight. It aids in flushing out the waste materials as well as toxins. 

  • Enough fiber

Fiber itself isn’t digested in the body as the human body lacks enzymes to digest it but fiber aids in digestion. Hence, consuming enough fiber helps to lose weight.
  • More protein 

Protein aids in making you feel fuller and reduces your need to eat more. Try having eggs in your breakfast and you won't feel the need to snack during the day-time.
  • Avoid Processed Food

Processed Foods have way more added calories than unprocessed  food. Also, have you noticed that you can't put a stop to eating processed food than unprocessed food? 

  • No to Sugar

I highly recommend you to cut down your sugar and those items from your food list that have huge amounts of sugar added to them. Having them once in a while is not a bad idea but having them daily can not be a good idea for your weight.
  • Activities

Apart from your exercise routine, indulge yourself in out-door activities like playing badminton, skipping ropes or tennis or hiking or any other activity that you like.

Hope it helps you all. 

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