Friday, June 21, 2019

Hareem Farooq Weight Loss Tips

Hareem Farooq Weight Loss Tips

While a lot of people are trying to lose weight, reading a success story can really motivate a person to not give up on themselves. Today, Rukhfooducate, brings you yet another weight loss transformation story.  It's a story about a versatile and beautiful actress of Pakistan. It is about none other than Hareem Farooq.

The Swap

Weight loss is just not about calorie deficient diet plan. It about opting for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that includes workout and tracking your calories. That is what Hareem did. She made the switch from unhealthy habits to a healthy lifestyle. In recent interview, it was asked from Hareem how did you gain so much weight? To which she answered it was due to eating unhealthy food, eating junk food and not tracking calories.

Diet Plan

When someone makes their mind up about anything, nothing is impossible to achieve. As the famous author named Paulo Coelho in his book called The Alchemist said “When you want something, the whole universe conspires to help you”. Likewise, when Hareem decided to shed those extra calories, there was nothing stopping her. She switched her diet from unhealthy to healthy and included a good workout routine.

Apart from switching from unhealthy to complete healthy food items, she added few extra things into her healthy lifestyle to achieve her goal. 
  • She tried not skip any of her meals 
  • Drank sufficient amounts of water. 
  • Green tea was her favorite beverages.
  • Green leafy vegetables are her favorite food items. 
  • Her dinner was usually 3 hours prior to her bedtime. 
  • Her cheat meals used to be after 15 days. ( She admits now she has switched to having a cheat meal once a week since she has achieved her goal)


Since a healthy lifestyle include workout as well. Hareem’s workout routine consisted of cardio and Pilates. 

Motivation is the key to keep you moving. With an inspiring story like Hareem’s, one does not lose the hope. If they can do it, you can!

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