Monday, December 17, 2018

Why you need to eat in a recommended amount?

Why you need to eat in a recommended amount?

Recommendation is as vital as your consuming food. You need food for survival but eating in a correct amount is important for a healthy body, mind and soul. Without the right proportions, you might either be facing deficiency or toxic effects due to over consumption of certain foods. Not forgetting the weight changes that will be a consequence of overeating or under eating.

Eating in right amount is the second most important part in your meal planning. First being what to eat. You need to eat according to your body needs and not how you want it to be. Well, let me correct that, you can eat what you want as long as you are eating from that particular group in the certain amount that is recommended for your body. Not less and not more than that. Changing the recommendation by increasing or decreasing the amounts will have disappointing impacts that may or maybe not be visible to the naked eye right after the changes made. Although, the changes you make will start to alter things in your body at the cellular level.

I shall be talking more about on this topic in my next blog, very soon. So, stay tuned and make sure you follow, and subscribe via email my blog for the latest updates! 

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