Thursday, December 13, 2018



Do you overeat your meals unintentionally or intentionally? And have no idea about what  to do to stop that? If your answer is yes, then here being few quick advice's that you must follow in order to eat less but sufficient.

1-      Utensil down after every bite

The first one being that you need to put down your utensils down as soon as you take the first bite and don’t touch your utensils unless you have properly chewed and swallowed your bite.

2-      Chew good and slowly

Chewing is very important! I can’t stress enough on the importance since your digestion starts in the mouth. 

You need to break it down before you swallow the bite to avoid it being stuck in your gut causing more problems and smaller bite means better digestion or else you will face problems

3-      Fiber rich food items

Insert more food items that are rich in fiber. The reason for that is very simple. Fiber makes you feel full. Thus, you will eat less and not feel hungry for some good hours.

4-      No distractions

If you tend to eat, mindlessly, in front of a television or a cell-phone in hand then you better stop doing that. Once you do that, you will start noticing that it helps with less overeating. 

Most of the time, people overeat when they are in front of a television or have their mind occupied with something else like cell-phone or maybe some work related work.

So, my advice is that, enjoy your food, be grateful for the food you have in front of you and when you eat just focus on eating without having your mind full of other stuff.

5-      Set aside at least 20 minutes for eating

We are likely to eat more in less time because we have something to catch up, be it work, shopping or anything else. 

What we need to do is, we need to assign 20 minutes for mindfully eating our food. We need to take this period of time to not rush eating or think about other stuff. 

Just enjoy your meal. Be grateful for the food!

Hope you're going to follow these small hacks to stop overeating!

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