Thursday, May 14, 2020

Weight Changes in Ramadan

Weight Changes in Ramadan 

Weight changes during Ramadan are a major concern. Before we head on, what do you think? Do people lose or gain weight in Ramadan? Well, the answer to this question is yes for some and no for others. Why? Everyone is fasting. Then, how come some lose and some gain? The answer lies in the eating habits of every single individual. That differs and that is the main reason behind the changes in weight.

Fasting in Ramadan is just like intermittent fasting, the 16/8 method. Muslims fast for approximately 16 hours a day and then have 8 hours for eating and drinking. How they consume this time period determines what weight changes they will be going through. If you have not already seen the blog on intermittent fasting the head over to the blog.

Why people gain weight in Ramadan?

Some people may have experience weight gains during this month. There are plenty of reasons that justifies the weight gain and all these reasons fall under the eating habits category.

Iftaar Mistakes

What do you normally see on iftar tables? Probably, your answer contains one or more fried items? Yes or no? Typically, in Ramadan, iftar tables have more than one fried item. These fried items have been deep fried before are served. Deep frying adds too many calories as well as they are high in fat. Calories plus bad fat? Suppose you are having one from each fried item cooked on the table, how many calories are you eating? How many bad fats have you consumed. You probably didn't count, Rukhfooducate is here to enlighten you about the calories you ate in those fried items. Here are some of the most famous ones:

  • One small aloo samasos has 240 calories
  • One Pakoras has 70 calories
  • One roll has 60-60 calories

Not just that if we add up the fancy drinks that are present on the table, they add up more to the calories. For instance, the following picture illustrates the calories presents in the two most commonly present at iftar tables.

Other than that, due to they have been fasting all day, people tend to consume everything provided on the iftaar table. This leads to overeating. Hence, calories consumed more than the desired calories for an individual. 

To know what to eat in iftar you can check out the blog on what to eat during iftaar under ramadan tips.

Sehri Mistakes

Next, moving on to sehri, the next next mistake that is right away eating, individuals tend to sleep. By doing so, you deprive your body of the chance to burn the calories you just ate. Not only that, but having a big meal and sleeping right after can be more harmful. Eating the right suhoor is important. You can check this blog for what to eat in suhoor 

Hence, these small mistakes can lead to gaining unexpected weight during the Ramadan time.

How people lose weight in Ramadan?

In one short sentences i can say that you can lose weight by not making these mentioned above mistakes if you really want to lose weight. Other than that:

  • Eat slowly so your stomach can send signal to the brain and tell you when to stop when full. Hence, prevents overeating. 
  • Try not to consume everything right away. Have small breaks. 
  • Have a healthy suhoor and iftaar. Check the blog for what to eat in suhoor and iftaar. 
  • Workout but not intense. Work out blog is available for you to read.
  • Hydration. Most important one. Keep drinking water. As much as you can. 
  • Try not to sit all day. Keep your body active.

Hope this blog will help you. Tell us your favourite iftaar and suhoor menus in the comment section.

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