Sunday, May 17, 2020

Peppermint Benefits

Peppermint Benefits

Peppermint is one of the most versatile plants available to the human beings. It is used in different industries for different purposes due to its versatile benefits. It is used medicinally, in hygienic products, in cooking, in beverages and even as an ingredient in insecticides. However, the focus of this blog is the benefits of consuming peppermint on our health. So, lets get started.

Headaches and migraines

Peppermint is known to be a muscle relaxant therefore it can lessen certain kinds of headaches. Peppermint oil  provides a cooling sensation as well as increases blood flow due to the presence of menthol in it. 

A study was conducted on 35 participants that suffered from migraines. Peppermint oil was applied to their forehead and temples which caused a significant decrease in pain after 2 hours. 

Fresh Breath

Did you know that peppermint is being used as a common flavoring in toothpaste? Not only that peppermint has antibacterial properties as well that aids in the process of killing germs that causes dental plaque. 

In a study, people who went through spine surgery were made to rinse their mouths with peppermint, tree oils and lemon oils, They experienced improvement in their bad breaths. 

Also, another study in which school girls were given peppermint mouth risen experienced improvements in bad breath than those that were in the control group. 

Improve Sleep 

Since it is caffeine free with an addition of being a muscle relaxant, it helps you relax before bedtime if you consume it before bedtime. 

Although, there is not enough research present that indicates that it enhances sleep. However, in a study on mice given peppermint oil enhanced their sleeping time.

Weight loss

Peppermint does not have calories plus it has a sweet flavour to it so makes an ideal choice for those losing weight. 

A study conducted on 13 people who took peppermint capsule felt reduced appetite than those who were not taking peppermint.

Digestive Problems 

It helps relieve digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion and problems of gas. 

In four clinical trials conducted on about 2000 children, taking peppermint aided in decreased frequency, length as well as severity of abdominal pain.


As peppermint contains rosmarinic acid which is linked to reduced symptoms of allergies such as itchy eyes and runny nose. 

In a randomised trial of 21 day study with 29 people who has seasonal allergies were given oral supplements containing rosmarinic acid. They experienced decreased allergic reaction and fewer symptoms. 

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