Saturday, January 11, 2020

Five Signs You Are Not Eating Sufficient Protein

Five Signs You Are Not Eating Sufficient Protein

Protein is a vital component of our diets as it is the building block of cells and have important functions in the body that cannot be performed by any other. Therefore, a must daily consumption of protein is recommended. Around 10% to 20% of your total calories must contain protein. The values changes according to your weight or if your body is in stress state. Some of the signs of not consuming enough protein are: -

Increased hunger

Apart from all the functions in the body, they provide the feeling of satiety, without them, you might feel increased hunger. So, in order to avoid the unnecessary hunger pangs and future binge eating, RukhFooducate advises you to keep in check of your protein. Have sufficient amounts of protein daily.

Immune system

The immune system of our body is the defense against any foreign particle. They keep u safe and healthy. However, if you are not consuming enough protein then you are going to experience prolonged sickness or there might be slow wound healing as your body’s defense mechanism is not functioning properly. It needs protein.


It is a condition where tissues retain water. People with edema have puffy ankles, feet or hands. Lack of protein intake leads to edema. How, you ask? The science behind is that protein retains salt and water in the blood vessels. Now, a lack of protein can’t do that. As a result, this causes leakage of water into tissues that results in puffiness. Hence, edema occurs.


It is normal to feel tired after a workout or a long walk. However, do you feel tired after a good night sleep? If you answered that with a yes, then you might be suffering from anemia.

Anemia is the condition where inadequate oxygen is being transported to tissues due to lack of red blood cells count. The reason for this is decreased consumption of iron, folate and vitamin B12 which are mostly found in protein. Therefore, anemia condition could be your body’s way of talking to you to eat more protein.

Hair, Skin and Nail Health

Hair, skin and nails are all made of protein. Protein is the main component that keeps them alive, shiny and healthy. Without sufficient protein, your nails, hair and skin are not going to appear healthy. In fact, your skin will start to look brittle and so will your nails and hair.

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