Sunday, August 4, 2019

Ways To Reduce Toxin Intake

Ways To Reduce Toxin Intake

You might read or hear a lot about detox water and what not in order to clean your body. However, if I were to tell you that you can minimized the amount of toxins that enter your body, would you follow those approaches? If yes, then keep reading.

Before I head on to the ways of eliminating toxin intake, let me enlighten you with the fact that our bodies are themselves capable of eliminating toxins. The system in our body that is responsible for this act includes:

Gastrointestinal tract

Lympathetic system
Kidney and bladder

Skin and GI tract prevents any entry from the outside environment whereas upon the entry of uninvited foreign particles, the other organs react to them by excreting them out of the body.

However, if you are exposed to excess of toxins and in addition to that you are in stress and a lack of healthy diet then your body will be overload state. Therefore, these following ways will prevent excess toxin from entering your body.

1 Healthy Diet

By healthy, I mean a proper diet with most of the ingredients being organic. If your purchase fruits and vegetables from an unknown source, then make sure to wash them with water thoroughly.

Consumption of antioxidant is another imperative thing that you need to do. Antioxidants are found in green tea, fruits and vegetables like berries and dark green leafy vegetables.

2 No to Xenoestrogens

They act like a human hormone called estrogen that can be a reason of cancer. It is best to avoid it by consuming organic dairy products, organic poultry and grass fed beef.

3 Be careful of Xenobiotics

Similarly, xenobiotics are harmful to human beings and are responsible for cancer. These are found in hair sprays, dry cleaning products, household cleaners, perfumes, plastic containers, soaps and many other industrial items.

Some minor adjustments you can do is never heat your food item with a plastic wrapped around it. Make sure your food does not get in contact with industrial items.

4 Breathing Air

Breathing clean air is essential for the living things. Nowadays, the index for pollution has increased to a level that is highly dangerous to our health. However, small measurements can be taken within your home or workplace by installing air purification device.

5 Hearing

Noise pollution can cause heart problems. It is advisable to be in a place with healthy sounds like peaceful music or sound of water streaming or birds singing.

6 Dental Care

Protect your teeth to avoid the entry of unwelcome guests in the body.

7 Positive Emotions

Last but not the least, emotions play an important role in your overall health. When an individual is in stress, they are likely to cause disturbance of hormones.  This disturbance can be as harmful as smoking or consuming an unhealthy diet.

Hopefully, this blog spot helped you in preventing the entry of unwelcome guests. 

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