Friday, March 8, 2019

Eat these foods for a glowing skin

Eat these foods for a glowing skin

‘You are what you eat’ is the phrase we hear all our lives but do we really implement in this in our lives? This phrase is not just a phrase but the secret to most of the problems we face. We have acne issues, there are food that will relieve you of acne. You are overweight, you need to cut down your extra calories and just eat healthy. Likewise, if you want a flawless skin, you need consume these foods.

1-      Tomatoes

These are loaded with antioxidants that protects our skin from a number of problems like acne, rashes as well as ageing. Antioxidants neutralizes free radicals in our blood. These free radicals are the cause of cell damage. So, add up your tomatoes in your meals.

2-      Green tea

Just like tomatoes, green tea has tons of antioxidants as well as anti inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. 

For more information on green tea, you can check this website - Unknown Numerous Benefits of Consuming Green Tea In Moderation!

3-      Fatty fish

Fatty fish like salmon are good source of omega 3 fatty acids that are one of your best food choices for maintaining skin health. Without omega 3 fatty acids, your skin will be dry.

Not only that but fatty fish have several antioxidants and vitamin E that protects you from skin inflammation.

How can I forget to mention, zinc? Zinc is another good mineral that is vital for skin health. It produces new skin cells, reduces inflammation and cares for your skin like no other.

4-      Carrot

Carrots has loads and loads of beta-carotene which is responsible for the carrot color. It is an antioxidant that prevent cell and DNA damage. So, are you adding your carrots to your salad and meals? If not, then you should be.

5-      Papayas

Aren’t they sweet? Apart from being sweet, they have enzymes called papain and chymopapain. Also, vitamins A, C, and B, and dietary fiber are present as well. What they do is they improve digestion and blood pressure. Good digestion means you are flushing out all the toxins from your body leading to a glowy skin. By normalizing your blood pressure, it will slow down aging as well.

6-      Avocadoes

These are healthy fats that are going to keep your skin flexible as well as moisturized. Avocadoes are high in vitamin E and C. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that protects your skin. Vitamin C is an essential component for your skin. It makes collages that keeps your skin strong and healthy. When Vitamin E is combined with Vitamin C, it becomes even more effective.

7-      Dark Chocolate

According to a recent study, after 6-12 weeks of consuming cocoa powder, individual’s skin was less scaly and rough. Also, more blood flows which brings nutrients to your skin.

8-      Garlic

It a phenomenal item that was used as antibiotic for so many years. It has vitamin B and C and many minerals with antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, by eating garlic, you are flushing out toxins, preventing skin rashes and fighting skin infections.

9-      Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are enriched with beta carotene that makes your skin healthy.
As long as you are going to treat your inside well, your outside will shine. 

So, keep treating yourself with healthy foods and let the skin say it all.

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