Friday, January 4, 2019

Are you looking for a never-ending motivation?

Are you looking for a never-ending motivation?

Like in my last blog, we discussed some of the common reasons for the loss of motivation in obese individuals. Now, let’s discuss how can we build up motivation that is long term for obese individuals as well as for regular individuals with no weight issues.

People who lose motivation quickly have thoughts like weight journey is either a week’s journey or a never-ending journey. We need to kill this thought. 

The aim is not just to lose all that extra weight but in addition to that, establishing a healthy lifestyle for one self that they can follow for their entire life without giving that up. 

A healthy lifestyle includes:-

>Eating right food as well as on the right time.

>Taking all of your macro-nutrients and micro nutrients in the recommended amounts, neither less nor more.

>Having an active lifestyle.

>Incorporating exercise routine in your daily routine.

>No to restrictions of any sort.

>Having a cheat day once a week or maybe twice but not more than that.

If you aim for a healthy lifestyle, it sure isn’t not going to be an easy journey but a worthy one.

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