Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Three Quick Weight Maintenance Tips For Winters

Three Quick Weight Maintenance Tips For Winters 

Can you imagine it’s mid-November already? One and a half month until we enter into fresh new year 2019 with lots of good resolutions and good thoughts (I hope).

With the winter approaching, I’m sure you all are excited about all the cold nights snuggled in your bed while snipping hot coffee and eating nuts and what not. But before the winter season arrives there are certain things that one needs to keep in mind so you don’t regret anything when the winter is gone for six long months.

I’m sure you all get the hint. Yes, my dear readers, I am talking about the calories we tend to put on during the winter season. Who doesn’t like a night crawled up in your warm beds but that doesn’t mean that you forget your exercise routine.

So here are few quick tips for you all: -

  • Exercise 
Give half an hour to yourself for fitness and your well-being. This way your burning the unwanted calories and not gaining extra pounds. 

Not to forget, exercise is not only good for burning calories but for the peace of mind as well. 

  • Snacking
Go easy on the nuts and fried items which I know most of you all love. Have them but be mindful of the quantity that you are consuming. You don’t wanna regret later on, right? The reason being that, unaware, little by little, we tend to snack a lot more than we plan to.

How to, you ask? Well, have your snacks but put them in a small container where you keep refilling them every morning AFTER breakfast. Since, your stomach will be full at that time, you won’t be thinking irrationally and by having them in a container, you will not eat any excess of that.

  • Being Mindful
Have alarms on your cell-phones and keep your snacking material away from your reach. Have an alarm for your water intakes since we tend not to feel thirsty at all.

So, its best if we have reminders all day long.

For more ideas on how to keep fit during the winter season, stay tuned.


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