Friday, October 12, 2018

Does cucumber help you lose weight?

Does cucumber help you lose weight? 

Today while I was having cucumbers, I wondered, why not share with you all the amazing benefits of consuming cucumbers.

The cucumber is a vegetable that provides numerous health benefits and it even possesses healing properties. It contains lots of water and fiber. Water and fiber are two most basic elements needed for healthy digestion. 

One cup (104 grams) of cucumber contains just about 16 calories! 

Added bonus of consuming cucumbers is that they make you lose weight. 

Let's talk in detail. 

Benefits of Eating Cucumber

  •  Low in calories. 

Since it is low caloric food but rich in nutrients, it can be best for those trying to lose weight. Cucumbers are one of the best snacking items.

Therefore, whenever you feel the need to snack, cut cucumber and eat.

  • High in Vitamin K

Vitamin K is actually good for bone health. Vitamin K supports a healthy metabolism, nutrient absorption, aids in heart health, helps with blood clotting, supports neurological function and can help protect against cancer. 

Did you know that? So much advantages! 

  • Antioxidants 

Antioxidants are present in cucumbers that helps to prevent the accumulation of harmful free radicals and may reduce the risk of chronic disease.

  • Potassium 

Potassium is your friend in fighting sodium retention. It also aids in lowering blood pressure.

  • B Vitamins 

They contain multiple B vitamins that includes vitamin B1, Vitamin B5 and vitamin B7. B vitamins are known to help ease feelings of anxiety and buffer some of the damaging effects of stress.

  • Fiber and Water 

Cucumber peel is a good source of dietary fiber that helps prevent or treat constipation and offers some protection against colon cancers. So don’t peel off. 

But, before you do that, make sure you wash your cucumbers thoroughly to remove any dirt. 
This advice goes for all the fruits and vegetables.

With the above mentioned benefits of cucumber, it is safe to say that it aids in making you slimmer.

It’s always good to know what one is consuming and what impacts it is going have on you. 

I will be coming up with more information about other food items so stay keep checking out my page for more information.

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