Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How much water should you drink?

How much water should you drink? 

When people talk about nutrition what’s the first thing 
that comes in your mind?  

Healthy Food? 

Good Eating Habits?

What about WATER?😏

Yes. Water. Did you not know that our body is actually made up of 70% water? Then, how come we don’t pay much attention to our water intakes? It is literally the solution to all our problems.

Till my O’levels, I was always told by my elders to drink water. If I didn’t have reminders all day long, then I would probably won’t be drinking much. Yes, that used to be my case. Hardly a liter a day. Imagine…..!!😐

A quantity of water for every individual varies. It depends largely up on three factors that are:- 
  1. your weight, 
  2. your environment 
  3. and your physical activity. 

In the past eight glasses of water were recommended to both gender but research now says something else. According to recent studies, recommended intake varies from 2.5 – 3.7 liters of water for men and about 2 – 2.7 liters of water for females.

In my next blog, I will be talking about all the issues that can be solved by just consuming good quantity of water. 

Keep drinking lots of water till my next post is up. 

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