Thursday, January 24, 2019

Stay Away from These Breakout foods

Stay Away from These Breakout foods  

As mentioned in the last blog about all the food that can help with the acne, here is the list of foods and the reasons why they can cause you to breakout.

If you haven't checkout then, here is the link - The Perfect Acne Solution 

It’s best to avoid or use in limited amounts if you have a lot of breakouts and have an important event to go to.

1-      Sugar

The major contributor to your breakout is sugar. The refined sugar is a major cause for inflammation, yeast overgrowth as well as hormonal fluctuations. Better substitutions are dark chocolate if you have a craving. Honey is another good option.

2-      Diary

Diary can be a source that triggers acne and promotes redness and swelling since diary is an inflammatory. It can be problem for those lactose intolerance. You better watch out. Otherwise, be aware of skin eruptions.

Main culprit in diary is cow’s milk. It triggers breakouts. You can switch to almond milk or coconut milk.

3-      Gluten

Another one is gluten which is a mixture of two proteins. This can trigger inflammation and stomach imbalance which can be visible to the skin. As they say, you are what you eat. Literally that applies. So, be mindful of what you put in that body of yours.

4-      Peanut butter

If you are a peanut butter lover like I am, you sure are going to be disappointed. I am for sure. The reason is that it contains added sugar and hydrogenated oil that fuels the breakout and inflammation.

5-      Nightshade vegetables

Surprising, right? These are so nutritious and healthy but also a source of inflammation. The reasons being the presence of solanine that is inflammatory.

Night shade vegetables includes potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, tobacco. Although, more evidence is needed to support this argument. 


6-      Processed Foods

The key to a glowing and wonderful skin is to avoid processed foods.

Hopefully this has help you. Let me know what more topics you want me to cover.

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